The Adventures. Of John Torn.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Busy week

But I had to pass this on.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My back hurts

...from trying to lift Scott's dog over a fence. How the fuck did he get over the fence in the first place? Why did he do it on the day I had to watch him? Why does Scott's apartment smell so awful? I'm taking a shower and then going to bed. It's two in the afternoon but I'm not concerned at this point.

Links for you:
Theories of the 2004 election being rigged. I know some of you* will find that interesting, even though you already knew it.
The possibility of Sam and Max appearing on the Wii. Much more interesting.

*I think there may be three people that read this page.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


So, yesterday was Larkfest. Just means that Lark Street is more crowded than usual, there are longer lines for slimmer pickings of improperly cared for pizza, and there's a bunch of loud noises. On the plus side, there are fewer crackheads, you might see some people you don't see regularly whom you would actually like to see, and one of the loud noises at yesterday's event was Rick Whispers. That was fun, but the bass was overpowering in such a way that I couldn't hear him very clearly. PS. Rick Whispers is a rapper and my pal.
Actually, maybe Larkfest is going on today, too. Who knows, I don't pay attention.
The new Ren and Stimpy episodes, made by Spumco without the supervision of Nickelodeon, are absolutely insane.
Oh yeah, so after fighting through a crowd to get back to civilization while being tortured with the sweet sounds of Everclear yesterday, I decided to make my way to the plaza, so I could appreciate the city without the ridiculous crowd. That's where some of these photos come from: my adventures in the plaza on that fateful day.
Time to go grab a dresser and then pick up Ricco from the train station. BYE

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Shmog shmost.

I know how to party on a Saturday night: cleaning the apartment. It's a little better looking than it was previously, which isn't saying much.
Ricco sent me these pictures:

I want to go to Sheetz. This winter, mark my words, it will happen. I shall not be denied again.


So, I've been trying to watch an episode of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show every morning Monday through Thursday. I need the Zelda box set for Fridays, obviously. I feel no shame in reliving 1990 to the best of my ability. As much as is practical, anyway.
Look, I took a picture of some foliage and shit. It speaks volumes, son.
I haven't been sleeping properly. Last night I did some catching up, though, and slept like fourteen hours. It was glorious.
I think I had more to say, but I'm too scatterbrained. I'll post more interesting things later on. Not necessarily later on today, but later on, later on.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Life is OK

Eating breakfast while watching The Super Mario Bros. Super Show. I'm set.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

River down to Stillwater

Recon had a show near Hamilton, NY today. It got cancelled yesterday. SO, INSTEAD, we played a house show in Stillwater, NY. It was fun. We played a new song. Like new new new. Like we wrote it before the show.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I've been terrible with this. Trying to catch up:
Sunday, Aug 20th:
Played with Hatebreed. I'm definitely feeling the new lineup. It was good to hang with Matt Withdrawn again. So wierd how those dudes are one of (if not the) biggest hardcore bands ever now. I mean, it's not wierd, because they're easy to get into and have worked really hard for a really long time, but it's wierd if you know one of them from way back, and now kids want him to sign autographs and shit. Not wierd in a bad way. I'm definitely happy for those dudes. If you're OK by Matt you're OK by me.
Let's see... played a surprise show a week later in Saratoga. I mean surprise as in I had a bunch of messages on my phone when I got out of work telling me to get to Saratoga so we could jump on this show. I guess Folly asked us. Anyway, evening ruled from that point on.
Let's see... what else. This isn't as good when I don't do it regularly, when things happen. Right now, I just feel like saying "and then a bunch of shit happened between then and now."
I'll be back. Sooner than later.